Saturday, January 5, 2008

Feelin' Crafty...

Here are a couple of shots of the babylegs that I made for Payson the other night. I love them! It is so much easier to change her diaper when she is wearing these and they keep her chubby legs so toasty!

Is it just me or does she look like Olivia Newton John with her headband and legwarmers on ;0)
You are totally rockin' the '80's Payson!

We had to try out her new tubby today...she loved it!

Miss Payson Jayne is so not allowed to watch tv. So, you can imagine my surprise when I caught her watching the republican debates tonight. (sorry Jill!)


suzspeaks said...

Thank you for commenting on my site! First of all, I love the name Payson! Second, she is beautiful!!!!!
I look forward to keeping up with you!

suzspeaks said...

I forgot to mention how much I like the legwarmers...I think I want some! ha!

The Beasley's said...

Love it! Totally love it!!! Did I ever mention that I am completely NOT crafty...if you lived closer I'd absolutely have you make me some for Abby. Except it's almost 80 here today, so she might be sweating ;-)

Carrie said...

I am just so in love with this baby! I love the rockin' leg warmers- she's our little Get in Shape, Girl!

Sabrina said...

Love the legwarmers-truly rockin'! I've been meaning to try my hand at these. Thanks for the inspiration.