Monday, September 27, 2010

A tutu and some mud...

I remember catching crabs with my dad and my brother when I was little at a random little bridge a few miles from home.  After driving past the spot a million times since then, we decided to stop and check it out.  I never realized it was called Crab Creek, but that seems fitting.  Pay has been rocking out her tutu for a few days straight now...I love it! 
They sure do love their dada...I do too ;o)
this picture pretty much sums up our almost 3 year old girl...a tutu and some mud!  She has definitely discovered princesses and is constantly putting an imaginary crown and glass slippers on everyone (including Lily and the cats).  But, she can't give up her natural love of dirt and bugs.  We just love her so much!
headed home.

Yesterday she found a garter snake in our front yard.  Auntie Kris rocks and donned some gloves to catch the critter.  Pay was beyond excited to touch her very own "Mr. Slithers"  And, there is that tutu again :o)

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Love that she's a tutu-wearing nature girl! So sweet!