Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Polar Express

Last night we took the kids on a Polar Express trolley ride.  It was put on by the library and was very cute (and cold).  Pay enjoyed her cookie and hot cocoa while listening to the story.
The boys were a little bit bored ;o)
All of the children were given a bell with a note on it.  They were asked to look at the back of the note for the letter "B".  Miss Pay was the one child with the "B" on her note so she won a Polar Express book.  Soooo Exciting!!  We had no idea she was so lucky...we will be letting her scratch our lottery tickets from now on.
The trolley ride home was much more fun after her big win!! 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Go Payson! What a great book! Maybe even better than The Cajun Night Before Christmas :)
What a fun holiday event to take the bebes to!