Saturday, April 9, 2011

a birthday tradition...BALLOONS!

Buggy woke up to a roomful of balloons today.  A tradition that started back on Pay's 1st birthday.

then we hit the beach!
he is in his crib sleeping away after a super-fun birthday.  He took his first steps last night which was so exciting for all of us.  He is like a little parrot and repeats most everything we say...although it is mostly baby talk.  he knows the signs for water, more, all done, milk, and says: mama, dada, puh-puh (Pay Pay), yiggy (Lily or kitty), raga (cracker), shh-shh (shoe), ni-ni (night-night).  And, he gives hugs (melt my heart).  We LOVE you Buggie!!  Happy Birthday

1 comment:

Gram said...

Love this sweet boy and his sister!!