Monday, July 4, 2011

the 4th

We had one of the best 4th of July weekends that I can remember.
we did some beach exploring at Shan and Michele's,
B tried on his new life jacket.  Rob was nervous that he was suffocating. But, this is just what happens when you try to put a life jacket on a kid with no neck.
getting ready for his dinghy ride
While Miss P went out on the big boat.
Today we headed down for the Chatham 4th of July parade
B loved it!
So did P!
snuggling with the mama
after the parade we headed back up to Shan and Michele's.  M and I took out the kayaks for a little clamming expedition.  We found a great spot and I could have stayed for hours pulling these suckers in.  We stopped at 27 but we'll be back in the water next week to haul in the mother-load ;o)
 Just a perfect Cape Cod 4th of July weekend all around!

1 comment:

Othelia Joy said...

Beautiful family!

Check out my blog if you wish