Saturday, August 10, 2013

summer stuff

we are still zip-lining
we have a harness now so the kids don't have to hold on for dear life.  They just have to make sure Cap doesn't bite their feet.
super fun!
the dogs waiting for a treat...notice Lily's bubble of drool?
Our newest night-time obsession...Charlotte.  She weaves her web every night in our kitchen window.  Notice the white blob beneath her,,,,that is a huge moth that flew into the web.  She wrapped it up to save for a late night dinner.  She is the coolest...we sit and watch her every night...much more entertaining than our real cat/dog pets. 
the time has finally come...she wants to pick out her own clothes.  I knew it would happen eventually but when she came downstairs this am in the get-up I was pretty blown away.  Should be an interesting school year...
i don't even know...
getting ready to go see "Honk" the play with gram
silly faces
right as we were putting them to bed Rob heard the fireworks.  We had forgotten that the Sandy Neck fireworks were we wisked them up in their jams and tossed them in the car.  They love any excuse to get out of bed...especially fireworks!!
the Harwich go-carts

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